Ending my radio silence

Ending my radio silence

Talk about radio silence. My last post was almost 2 months ago. Wow. I am definitely not a blogger. Nor is my desire to be a blogger.  I just want to be a guy with a perspective. One that others find valuable. So, please know that while I am committed to posting more...
The End of the World as We Know It (pt. 3)

The End of the World as We Know It (pt. 3)

Well, we survived. 12/12/12, that is. Or is it supposed to be 12/21/12? Whatever. Thank God that the Mayans were not describing the end of the world. Apparently, the whole thing was mistranslated. Unfortunately, there is now a Mayan god named Bolon Yokte walking...
The End of the World as We Know It (pt. 2)

The End of the World as We Know It (pt. 2)

Cough, cough… Well, what started out as a minor illness a couple of weeks ago turned onto a bit more, then started knocking dominos in different directions. The blog, consequently, took a hit. So much for starting a revolution. C’est la vie. But I’m back. Now, where...
The End of the World as We Know It (pt. 1)

The End of the World as We Know It (pt. 1)

I’m a context guy.  What I mean by that is I like to must see the big picture.  Some might call it the bottom line.  Whatever. If I don’t see the greater context, I struggle with listening to the details.  It’s like some form of torture, where I’ve been tied to a...

Viva La Revolucion!

I want to start a revolution. Not some rise against corrupt, imperial authority. And not some post-modern rant against the machine. I’m talking about the  kind of revolution that describes a worldwide  shift in how we live. And more specifically, sell....