Can we handle the truth?

Can we handle the truth?

“You want me to engage in a consensual hallucination.” This is what my friend said to one of his clients as they tried to persuade him to “fudge” the data. My friend is a VP of Analytics for a consulting company that works with large organizations. His role is to make...
The Concorde Fallacy

The Concorde Fallacy

For those who remember, the Concorde was a supersonic passenger jet that flew at Mach 2 from 1976 to 2003. It could fly from New York to London in just under 3 hours. But the dream outweighed the reality, constantly justifying more investment, engineering effort, and...
How to change your culture

How to change your culture

How to change your culture A simple reminder for us all…  They are not obstacles. They are what gives you the strength to succeed. So, play the shot in front of you and trust the journey. I know that it’s been a while since I last posted but there have been a ton of...