Transforming a crumbling strategy into a highly successful pivot…

JD Stewart is the Co-founder and CEO of Stygian HC. In this episode, we explore how to transform a crumbling strategy into a highly successful pivot.

Three key concepts:

  1. Self-awareness, especially of your own gaps as a leader, is critical. This keeps you from spreading your own fears into your team – because fear keeps you and your team from pivoting.
  2. Passion is as important as skillset. Passion drives courage, commitment, and effort.
  3. Your people need to be treated as partners in the business, not cogs. Partners need to be empowered with the resources they need. It’s the role of leadership to provide this empowerment.

BONUS – Leader guide: Use the following questions for (a) self-reflection as a leader and/or (b) a great discussion with your team.

1) Listen to the full episode before this discussion.
2) What stood out most to you from that episode? Why?
3) JD talked about how self-awareness is a critical component, especially for leaders. How would you define self-awareness for leaders in 10 words or less? Share your answers.
4) Imagine you are giving advice to a new leader on being more self-aware. What would you say? (Note: write down all answers) When done, rank these ideas in order of importance from most to least.
5) How do you know if your self-awareness is where it needs to be? Use the ideas from the previous question to evaluate yourself. What does this tell you?
6) What can you do to improve your self-awareness? What can you do to help others on our team be more self-aware?
7) Option: Take time right now to define exactly what that looks like (the outcome(s), metrics, and requirements).

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Holomua. Onward and upward.

All the best ~ Tim

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