The signs that we are stressed

The signs that we are stressed

Every single one of these responses is a sign that we got stressed. Did you get stressed this week? I know I did. What was the trigger? Was is someone or something? Was it an unfulfilled expectation or an unexpected disruption? I’ll get into what causes our stress...

My blog has moved…

Friends, after being almost completely inactive for two years while working heavily on a special client project, I am reviving my blog! But not here. If you would like to follow the journey, please subscribe to my new blog here. You will receive a weekly email from me...
A Lesson for Grief

A Lesson for Grief

Recently, I have been having a lot of conversations with people who are grieving.  Big griefs. The loss of a little sister. The loss of a husband. The loss of a career. Every instance is one that pulls my heart strings. I tangibly feel the weight of each story. And I...