Are you the victim of dump-and-run leadership?

I am willing to bet that none of your executive leaders were taught how to execute.

They learned through trial and error, mistake after mistake, and blunt force experience. And now, they expect you to learn it the same way.

Now, I am not saying these leaders are bad people or don’t have tremendous skills in other areas.

What I am saying is that they all have a MAJOR blindspot – especially when it comes to executing strategy in larger organizations.

You see, when we are in smaller organizations, executive leaders are far more accessible. They want to help – and have the capacity to do so. They happily share what they know as bite-sized best practices and memorable catch phrases. They offer their precious time as mentors and coaches. And they ensure that great decision-making happens – often personally.

But what happens when executive leaders no longer have time? What happens when layers of management get added to the org structure? What happens when co-workers become “other functions” of the business? Dump-and-run leadership is born.

Are we taught how to navigate that?

Mirror moment: Were you? Were you taught how to execute the strategy?

Or were you taught how to build and follow plans?



Gantt charts.


That may have worked in an industrial age, but in an information age it’s ridiculous to think a plan will be the cornerstone of execution. With the influence of 24/7 communications, analytics, and AI, we have all become knowledge workers. The vast majority of us are expected to make decisions that bring the business strategy to life. And anyone can make a decision that will kill the plan.

Examples of common plan killers immediately come to mind:

  • Delay that hire
  • Cut that budget
  • Keep that outdated technology
  • Change that timeline
  • Remove that requirement

The impact of this kind of execution is already well-published.

  • 95% of all employees do not understand or are even aware of the company strategy.
  • A global lack of engagement is getting worse and burnout is only growing.
  • The average tenure of senior executives is just 1-2 years.

So, why are we expecting different results when we are working the same way that we always have? Why can’t we have access to the best practices that we ALL need in real-time?

Well, I’ve got great news. Now, you can.

YOU CAN completely change the mindset of everyone on your team about what execution REALLY is (and it’s NOT following a plan).

YOU CAN quickly diagnose AND remedy the breakdowns in how your team is executing.

YOU CAN engage your senior leaders in a way that EXPANDS their thinking and convert them to legitimate advocates.

YOU CAN literally change your life at work and thrive.

YOU CAN experience the kinds of outcomes that my clients achieved:

  • Jessie grew his startup into a multi-million dollar company that is now scaling nationally.
  • Mark’s team used these principles to achieve the best year-over-year growth in a decade.
  • Gideon is already applying this information as he takes on a new promotion as the Director of Strategic Planning.

I have taken the best practices that I use with my clients and made them available online as a masterclass. And, as part of my strategy to disrupt the market and challenge “dump and run” execution, I am making this masterclass available at a VERY special launch price.

Send me an email or simply go here to learn more.

Let’s change the narrative. Let’s end dump-and-run leadership and execute without all of the dysfunction and delays.

Will you join me and the other leaders who are already doing it?

Holomua. Onward and upward.

All the best ~ Tim

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