by timohai | Feb 20, 2022 | Personal Effectiveness
How to break the addiction of significance Of the three most common causes of stress – the fear of failure, the fear of rejection, and the fear of risk – which one is your biggest trigger? For me, it’s the fear of rejection. Which makes it particularly...
by timohai | Jan 16, 2022 | Personal Effectiveness
How to break the addiction of success Are you addicted to success? In other words, is your confidence dependent on whether or not you are successful? And if you are a leader, is your team’s confidence dependent on whether or not they are successful – because you have...
by timohai | Jan 9, 2022 | Personal Effectiveness
And now, some practical advice… Are you ready for some practical advice on how to eliminate the stress in your life? Because while I have been laying down a foundation for the “why” and the “what” of stress, it was all necessary to get to the “how” of...
by timohai | Dec 26, 2021 | Motivation, Personal Effectiveness, Purpose
Are you trying to satisfy your past or satisfy your future? Are you the kind of person who makes New Year resolutions? I am. And I am not. I typically use the end of each year to slow down, reflect, and assess my life – end to end. If that annual reflection...
by timohai | Dec 12, 2021 | Leadership, Personal Effectiveness
Stress is an addiction In my last post, I ended with a question… Why would anyone shape their lives around pursuing something that would never be “enough?” Well, it’s a long story… Every one of us starts life with a fairly simple agenda – we want to live. When we’re...
by timohai | Nov 14, 2021 | Motivation, Personal Effectiveness
Why do we need more than we need? My grandfather taught me a lesson many, many years ago: Why do you need more than you need? You can want more than you need, but why do you need more than you need? It’s a powerful question and it gets to the heart of something that...
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