Can we handle the truth?

Can we handle the truth?

“You want me to engage in a consensual hallucination.” This is what my friend said to one of his clients as they tried to persuade him to “fudge” the data. My friend is a VP of Analytics for a consulting company that works with large organizations. His role is to make...
Are you just staring at the water?

Are you just staring at the water?

There’s something powerful about teaching your children how to swim in the ocean. It’s very different from getting into a swimming pool. And it’s even a bit intimidating. What I mean by that is the ocean is bigger than you or me. It’s powerful, and massive, and...
The Concorde Fallacy

The Concorde Fallacy

For those who remember, the Concorde was a supersonic passenger jet that flew at Mach 2 from 1976 to 2003. It could fly from New York to London in just under 3 hours. But the dream outweighed the reality, constantly justifying more investment, engineering effort, and...