Tim’s Blog
Stress is an addiction
Stress is an addiction In my last post, I ended with a question… Why would anyone shape their lives around pursuing something that would never be “enough?” Well, it’s a long story… Every one of us starts life with a fairly simple agenda – we want to live. When...
Why do we need more than we need?
Why do we need more than we need? My grandfather taught me a lesson many, many years ago: Why do you need more than you need? You can want more than you need, but why do you need more than you need? It’s a powerful question and it gets to the heart of something...
We all seem to have the same patterns…
We all seem to have the same patterns... In 2014, when my wife got cancer, I learned something about myself. And I didn’t like what I learned. I don’t handle stress very well. I mean, I thought I did. I thought that with a master’s degree in psychology, a lifetime...
Serve your way through stress…
Serve your way through stress... Let’s be realistic: stress is inevitable. And frankly, some of it can actually be good for us. But as I mentioned last week, there are six main responses to stress and only two of them are healthy: influence or adapt. What makes...
The signs that we are stressed
Every single one of these responses is a sign that we got stressed. Did you get stressed this week? I know I did. What was the trigger? Was is someone or something? Was it an unfulfilled expectation or an unexpected disruption? I’ll get into what causes our stress...
It’s time to change the narrative…
"It’s time to change the narrative..." I think the most dangerous thing about stress is that we have become so used to it. Now, don’t get me wrong. Stress is something that will never go away. But the sheer volume of it today – the constant presence of it – makes...
An Update (Kind of)
I can't believe I am doing this... but I am going to pick this page back up. Stay tuned...
My blog has moved…
Friends, after being almost completely inactive for two years while working heavily on a special client project, I am reviving my blog! But not here. If you would like to follow the journey, please subscribe to my new blog here. You will receive a weekly email from...
A Lesson for Grief
Recently, I have been having a lot of conversations with people who are grieving. Big griefs. The loss of a little sister. The loss of a husband. The loss of a career. Every instance is one that pulls my heart strings. I tangibly feel the weight of each story. And...
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