Tim’s Blog
What trauma teaches us about stress…
What trauma teaches us about stress... Sorry for the silence. I’ve been traveling like crazy (which incudes literally going around the world for business) and... I’ve also been doing some work on myself. Maybe it was subconsciously inspired by the concept of...
Aren’t you afraid of the risk?
Aren’t you afraid of the risk? I bought a car this past weekend. A brand new one. And the experience was almost perfect. Except for one thing. And I knew it was coming… the high pressure sales attempt at the end when the Finance Manager (aka the final sales person)...
Something for leaders…
Something for leaders... Leaders, I need to talk with you for a moment. In the podcast that I shared previously, I brought up the idea that - as leaders - we are responsible to create an environment of peak performance, to build a space where our people can...
Something a little different…
Something a little different... This week, instead of writing something, I am sharing an interview I did for the awesome people at Selling from the Heart. Larry Levine and Darrell Amy are two, high-quality human beings who are elevating the definition of what it...
How to break the addiction of control
How to break the addiction of control I cringe every time I hear the word “control.” Of course, as any good non-conformist/independent thinker, I hate the idea of being controlled. And while I may lie to myself and say that I need to be the one in control, I only...
How to break the addiction of significance
How to break the addiction of significance Of the three most common causes of stress - the fear of failure, the fear of rejection, and the fear of risk - which one is your biggest trigger? For me, it’s the fear of rejection. Which makes it particularly tough to be...
How to break the addiction of success
How to break the addiction of success Are you addicted to success? In other words, is your confidence dependent on whether or not you are successful? And if you are a leader, is your team’s confidence dependent on whether or not they are successful – because you...
And now, some practical advice…
And now, some practical advice... Are you ready for some practical advice on how to eliminate the stress in your life? Because while I have been laying down a foundation for the “why” and the “what” of stress, it was all necessary to get to the “how” of eliminating...
Are you trying to satisfy your past or satisfy your future?
Are you trying to satisfy your past or satisfy your future? Are you the kind of person who makes New Year resolutions? I am. And I am not. I typically use the end of each year to slow down, reflect, and assess my life - end to end. If that annual reflection...
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