Tim’s Blog

I ranted on Facebook again…

I ranted on Facebook again…

One of the most important factors of driving high performance is the concept of motivation. DUH. Everybody knows that. So this rant is NOT about how to motivate someone. It's about how to de-motivate them. Demotivation is the exact opposite of motivation. Instead...

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Collaboration and Influence

Collaboration and Influence

From my Facebook page: I spoke today on the power of influence and collaboration for a client's hi-po leader development event. As I often do when I speak, I said something off the cuff in way that made more sense than what I had written in my original notes. It...

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Communication Is a Dirty Word

Communication Is a Dirty Word

There is a classic scene in the movie Cool Hand Luke where Paul Newman is beaten down by a cruel warden, who then utters the famous line, “What we’ve got here is… failure to communicate.” Ever since that moment first appeared on the silver screen, it has become...

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